The AGM wrap

Annual General Meeting Summary

Thank you to all members who attended our AGM last night.

We thank Kevin Shorey for his leadership as President over the last 3 years and welcome Frank Joel to the role of President for 2023. He will be supported by Paul Hynes in the role of Vice President. We also welcome two new committee members Debbie Dean and Tony Radford and are grateful for their interest in supporting the management of the Rondo Theatre. To see the full list of committee members see the About Us page.

Kevin Shorey and Narelle Shorey have been honoured for their leadership, love and support of the Rondo Theatre for many decades with the title Life Member. And while we know they will shy away from such an honour, preferring to see the achievements of others acknowledged before their own, it was felt by all present to be well overdue.

Paul Carey, Natalie Crowe, Lynn Cropp, and the Birdwing Tribal Belly Dancers provided the entertainment with the debut of an original work written by Paul Carey. The play featured classical opera and belly dancing performance; the poignant memories of an aging couple, once accomplished performers, now limited by their loss of memory and mobility.


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