"The Wrong Mountain" 2018 - 2022.

 A final word from the director of  "The Wrong Mountain" 2018 - 2022.

And there it was on July 9th, 2022. The Wrong Mountain, done and dusted. About four years ago I drafted one of the early lines - "It's going to be a wild ride". At the time, I never dreamed just how wild a ride it would be, and didn't really think that it would ever be staged. A project. A dream. But when you allow yourself to gratefully accept feedback and support from those who know better, then dreams can turn into reality. From local thespians who read my first drafts; acclaimed writers and dramatists; assistance with set, lighting and sound design; practical assistance with set building, painting, coaching and producing; a cast that gave everything and more and moral and physical support from friends. It really does take a village to put on a production, and I thank each and every person involved in the first-ever production of my first-ever play. It was a privilege to work with you all.

We were very fortunate that COVID did not trouble us during our rehearsals, but a broken foot, 'flu and a change of cast member at the eleventh hour meant that the whole cast and crew played musical chairs right up until the end. When the music stopped, they took on a new job, everyone rallied around, and they all performed excellently. I am very privileged to have been a part of this team, and to have had so many people turn up to watch. It's so good to see audiences returning to The Rondo -- masked or not - and to hear our gorgeous theatre ringing with laughter and applause is a heady drug. I am inclined to write another...!"





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